Here you can find information on China which may be helpful for you, whether you are living or moving there, or just planning for a visit. We have divided our China information resources into those related to health and healthcare in China and those related to traveling to and through the country, such as our China travel guides for Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. So please feel free to explore the travel and healthcare information we have on China and let us know if there's any China information you feel we should add or expand upon.
China Healthcare Information
China Healthcare System - Learn about the basic structure of the system of healthcare and hospitals in China.
Chinese Herbal Medicine - Here you can learn more about the background and history of Chinese herbal medicine which is enjoying a resurgence in China and around the world.
Herbal Malaria Cure - Learn about sweet wormwood, also known as Artemisia annua, which is often used to combat malaria in combination with other medicines.
Meningitis - Meningitis is an occasional problem, so we have provided a place where you can learn about the illness and find out what precautions are appropriate.
Mononucleosis - Also known as glandular fever, infectious mononucleosis is prevalent in developing countries, learn about any preventative measures you may need to keep yourself hearty and hale.
China Travel Guides
Beijing Travel Information - Learn about Beijing; including its history, political and social importance in the country and the important cultural and historical sites in and nearby Beijing.
Shanghai Travel Information - Learn about the cosmopolitan city on the forefront of China's development and home to some of the nation's most advanced private medical facilities.
Guangzhou Travel Information - Located in the pearl river delta, Guangzhou is a Special Economic Zone which blends the hustle and bustle of shopping and international commerce with a lengthy cultural heritage.
China Travel Advice - Find a list of basic travel advice for China to make your time living in or visiting the country safer and more enjoyable.
Quick Facts on China - Here you can find basic information on the country of China, including its people, geographic information and economy.
Chinese Holidays and Celebrations - Need to plan ahead for Golden Week? Take a look at our list of holidays and celebrations so you can find out what's going on and how you can enjoy it.
Remember to check back periodically to see if new China information has been added and to recommend any important healthcare or insurance information in China that you think we should include.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese spiritual philosophy has a big impact on the way Traditional Chinese medicine is practiced, especially when it comes to herbal medicine. Chinese herbal medicine has its roots in Taoist (Daoist) philosophy and tries to maintain the balance of an individual's chi energy (commonly known as Ying/Yang energy).
Each herbal treatment is individually designed for a patient depending on age, malady, social background and a number of additional criteria. Chinese herbal remedies may contain a number of different herbs each with a different and distinct function and are designed to interact and restore balance to a specific patient's energy flow.
The first authenticated cases of Chinese Herbal treatment is in a book entitled "recipes for 51 aliments" dated at 168 BC. Chinese medicine has been around for a lot longer than its western counterparts, but the practice is just coming back into vogue. This is probably because of the rising health costs throughout the mainland. Many people are not able to afford the more costly medical treatments. With the majority of other traditional treatments that are being brought back into main stream culture, Traditional medicine is starting to become a staple on the mainland again.
It may just be a case of people longing for the nostalgia associated with these treatments. Or it may be attributed to the intense level of personal assistance that is necessary when prescribing a treatment. Whatever the reason, Chinese herbal medicine has been around for a long time and will continue to be practiced all over the world.
We can offer international medical insurance plans for China that provide cover for traditional Chinese medicine. Plans offer global coverage and are usually guaranteed renewable for life. Plans are individually designed for each client and can be tailored to include a wide range of options. For more information about an international medical insurance plan, or to receive a free quote, please contact us.
Herbal Cure for Malaria
Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine have discovered the best cure for malaria is a shrub that grows predominantly in Guangdong province China. Sweet wormwood (also known as Artemisia annua) has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for more than 1,600 years and was primarily prescribed for people suffering from high fevers.
Artemisia used in combination with other drugs has proven to be very successful in treating patients with malaria, and Artemisinin based combination therapies (ACTs) have become more common in fighting the disease. By itself Artemisia (which is usually prescribed in the form of a tea) is not an effective cure; this is because of the low concentration of the plant, however, when used in conjunction with modern science and treatments the plant has shown more promise than anything else available.
For many years Quinine was the preferred drug to use in fighting malarial infections. Quinine is a drug that is produced by scraping the bark of the South American Cinchona tree, and can be found most commonly in tonic water. In 2005 both Quinine and Artemisia went into trials to prove which was better at fighting malaria. Artemisia has been conclusively proven to have a higher success rate in fighting a malarial infection.
Although the medicinal properties of Artemisia have been known for hundreds of years, the knowledge was lost for much of that time. It was not until the 1960's when the Chinese government began a large scale campaign to find an effective cure that the plant was again uncovered as a potential cure for the malaria parasite. In some cases the plant is able to bring a case of severe malaria under control in about 2 hours. The plant is now being used by doctors around the world to treat malaria and is no longer limited to being used exclusively by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
We can offer many international medical insurance plans. Plans are tailored to fit individual client needs and can include options from maternity and dental cover to emergency evacuation. Plans are normally guaranteed renewable for life and can provide cover anywhere in the world. For more information, or to receive a free quote, please contact us.
Meningitis in China
Meningitis is the result of a bacterial or viral infection. Meningitis causes an inflammation of the membranes that encapsulate the central nervous system. This disease can be distinguished from the common encephalitis, as encephalitis causes and inflammation of the brain itself.
Meningitis has the potential to affect everyone. The most common type of meningitis is Viral; however bacterial meningitis can be extremely serious. You are more susceptible or contracting meningitis if you live/work in a crowded place like an army barracks, or college dorm. If you suspect that you have contracted meningitis you should seek professional medical help immediately.
Meningitis (both the viral and bacterial forms of the disease) displays a number of symptoms. Sudden High fever, drowsiness, persistent headaches, stiff neck, and sensitivity to light and sounds are all some of the classic symptoms.
The primary symptom of meningitis is the inflammation of the membranes that surround nerve bundles in the brain. A definitive diagnosis of meningitis takes time because laboratory testing is required. Blood cultures are taken, and a spinal tap (lumbar puncture) is preformed. In many cases treatment is started before a conclusive diagnosis.
Medical treatment
Bacterial meningitis is classified as a medical emergency, in many cases if bacterial meningitis is the suspected cause of illness, treatment is started before a conclusive diagnosis.
Bacterial Meningitis is treated with antibiotics. The types of antibiotics used will vary from country to country. After a conclusive diagnosis of the disease, specific antibiotics are introduced to the treatment regimen.
Viral meningitis cannot be treated with antibiotics. The treatment for viral meningitis will normally include bed rest and fluids. The Viral strain of this disease is not as life threatening as the bacterial type. In most cases of viral meningitis anti inflammatory drugs are the principally prescribed medications.
If you suspect that you are infected with meningitis contact a medical professional immediately.
Meningitis can be prevented with vaccinations. There are a number of different vaccinations available and many children are vaccinated at birth. There is no vaccination available for bacterial meningitis, the easiest way to prevent infection is to practice good hygiene.
Because meningitis requires intensive treatment and stays at the hospital, the cost can be quite expensive. We can provide detailed medical insurance plans that cover all of your medical needs. Plans can provide global coverage and are normally renewable for life. If you require more information or would like to receive a free quote, please contact us.
Mononucleosis in China
General Information about Mononucleos and Health insurance in China
Mononucleosis (also known as Glandular Fever or Mono), is a disease that is most likely to be prevalent in adolescents and young adults. Mono is a disease that is transferred by blood or saliva, and is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Glandular Fever is highly contagious, and can be transmitted through sharing food or drink, coughing, or simply by being in close proximity to an infected person.
The disease infects the B and T cells of the lymph system resulting in acute lymphocytosis. Many people have anti bodies to the Epstein-Barr virus present in their immune system. Infection can occur without a persons knowledge, and many people never realize that they have caught Mono.
The infection can be present for weeks or months before the onset or display of symptoms. Initial symptoms can resemble strep throat and a majority of other respiratory infections. The initial stages of mono can resemble cold and flu infections. General symptoms of Mononucleosis are:
- Fever
- Larger than normal lymph nodes
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- Abdominal Pain
- Aching muscles
- Jaundice
- Depression
- Skin rash
Mononucleosis can potentially cause hepatitis and has the ability to inflame and enlarge a carrier's spleen. The Cytomegalovirus can cause an infection similar to the Epstein - Barr virus; both of these infections are commonly characterized as Mononucleosis.
Supportive and therapeutic treatments are used with mono. Bed rest is always recommended, but activity can resume when the acute stage of infection is over. Paracetamols are used to alleviate individual symptoms; aspirin is not used because of the risk of Reye 's Disease. Dietary supplements are used to bolster the immune system. Mono is treated in much the same way as the flu.
Good Hygiene and common sense are the best ways to avoid a mono infection. Don't share food utensils or the same drink with an infected person. Try not to come into close contact with an infected individual.
We can offer medical insurance plans that provide total cover. For more information about an international health insurance plan or to receive a free quote, please contact us.
If you would like to know more about China and international medical insurance plans, or you would like to receive a free quote, please contact us .

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