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The Top 10 Cleansing Foods for Your Lungs

If you take good care of your lungs they can last a lifetime, but when external pollutants abound, it can be difficult to keep them in optimal condition. With correct nutrition, you can help protect your lungs and even reverse past damage. We explore some of the best foods to incorporate into your diet for improved lung function.

Busting the Myths of Green Tea

Breaking down the truths and falsehoods of green tea health benefits.

China’s Smoking Epidemic and How You Can Protect Yourself

Buck the trend and embrace healthy lungs!

Vices...That Are Good for You?

There are many people who like to drink on a weekend, or are a little obsessed with chocolate or coffee, but at the end of the day we're only human! Not all addictions can be bad though, CHI looks at some vices that are good for us.
