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Getaway Guide - A Short Trip to Tibet

Nestled just to the west of China lies a land of mountainous peaks, ancient traditions and some of the most rugged and uncompromising conditions on Earth. We take a look at Tibet and how to best spend a handful of days in this amazing place.

Health and Safety: On the road in China

It is easy to get stressed out when travelling by road in China, so here we offer some tips and advice on how to stay safe.

Vices...That Are Good for You?

There are many people who like to drink on a weekend, or are a little obsessed with chocolate or coffee, but at the end of the day we're only human! Not all addictions can be bad though, CHI looks at some vices that are good for us.

Avoid the Winter Blues by Visiting the Best Parks in Beijing

Don't stay indoors and hibernate during the cold winter months. Get out more and spend time with family outdoors with CHI's guide to the best parks in Beijing

Tips On Using Traditional Chinese Medicine During Pregnancy

CHI examines what exactly is good for you or bad for you when using Traditional Chinese Medicine during pregnancy

Spice Up Your Life! Chinese Spices and Your Health

China famous for not only its tea, but also its food. CHI takes a look at how spices can be good for your health

Modern vs Traditional beauty solutions for women in China

Beauty is becoming increasingly important to women. CHI explores which is better for women, Modern chemicals or natural TCM.

An Essential Guide for Parents Traveling with Kids in China

Are you taking a trip to China with the whole family? CHI has created a useful guide, so you know what to lookout for!

Top International Schools in China for Expat Families

Education, along with health, are the two most important factors in a child's life and are imperative to parents. Not only does education help determine which career path a child may take, but also teaches children valuable life skills, such as looking after their health and social skills. As education is important, it can become competitive with parents wanting their children to attend the best…
