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Spice Up Your Life! Chinese Spices and Your Health

China famous for not only its tea, but also its food. CHI takes a look at how spices can be good for your health

Chinese Massage 101

Ancient in origin and integral to the holistic practice of Chinese Medicine, the benefits of Chinese massage techniques have won over many in the West too thanks to its standalone therapeutic and calming effects. If you’re interested in visiting a spa or massage parlor, but hesitant because you are unsure of what to expect, here’s our short guide to help you relax and enjoy Chinese massage.


Eating Healthy in Shanghai

Shanghai has many traditionally unhealthy local dishes. However, with a burgeoning expat community, an awareness of the pesticides used in some produce, and an increase in organic food available, Shanghai is beginning to change for the better.

Aromatherapy in China

Aromatherapy, a key feature in Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for hundreds of years. CHI finds out more about the ancient alternative therapy.

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi

Surrounded by the mystery of an ancient civilisation, one martial art still appeals to those seeking an opportunity to earn discipline, grace, balance and above all, inner peace.

Modern vs Traditional beauty solutions for women in China

Beauty is becoming increasingly important to women. CHI explores which is better for women, Modern chemicals or natural TCM.

An Essential Guide for Parents Traveling with Kids in China

Are you taking a trip to China with the whole family? CHI has created a useful guide, so you know what to lookout for!

The Benefits of Being Born in the Year of the Snake (2013)

With Chinese New Year soon upon us, we take a look at what the pros and cons are of being born in the Year of the Snake.

Men's Health in China

Men's health is very important, especially as recent statistics reveal a gender imbalance. CHI takes a look at the health risks men face today.

Weekend Trips From Guangzhou

Located in southern China, Guangzhou itself is a typical mega-city, but it is close enough to a few exotic locations/cultural sites that are worth visiting. We haven’t included any day trips, just places for an entire weekend stay.
