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Can Practicing Art Better Our Mental Health?

How being creative can help disorders

Cool Off With Chinese Iced Teas

These teas will not only take the edge off hot summer days, but offer year-round health benefits too.

Healthy Asian Cuisine - Part 2: Thai

Here's part 2 of CHI's health Asian cuisine guide. In this article, we look at Thai food! Yum!

The Other Side of China

The most remote, solitary, isolated places in the world’s most populous country.

The Last Frontier of Food

CHI investigates how astronauts perform the most basic human function differently in space

The Wonders of China - Part 2

Continuing the top most beautiful and scenic places to visit in China.

The Wonders of China – Part 1

China Health Insurance takes a look at the most beautiful and scenic places to visit in China

Shanghai Vs. Beijing, Which Is The Best City For You?

China Health Insurance takes a look at the pros and cons of the two most popular cities in China: Shanghai and Beijing!

The Traditional Chinese Family, Then and Now

There are a number of old traditions that are still present in families all over China today. CHI looks at these traditions and how they have stayed within Chinese families through the decades.
